Sunday, March 10, 2013

{Review} Legends of the Dragonrealm: Shade by Richard A. Knaak

ISBN #: 978-1451656077
Page Count: 321
Copyright: September 18, 2012
Publisher: Gallery Books

Book Summary:
(Taken from back cover)

Survivor of a once-mighty race of sorcerers, the spellcaster known to those of the Dragonrealm simply as Shade struggles to find an end to the curse he brought upon himself millennia ago in his hope to escape death ... and worse. Instead of immortality, he was condemned to an endless series of lives alternating between darkness and light, with "death" only resurrecting him over and over. His blurred features and unstable but terrible powers a threat to friend and foe alike, the hooded sorcerer must defy not only those who would manipulate him, but also his very self. Worse, he must do so always aware that even the land itself may have sinister designs upon him ...

Mandy's Review:

Unfortunately, this book was a disappointment to me. Before I begin what I didn't like, though, let me say what I did like.

First, the cover is absolutely gorgeous! When you see the book in person, instead of just a picture at the top of a blog post, the colors really pop and are exciting to look at. It was the main reason why I decided to give this book a chance. I mean, if the cover is this exciting then the story inside has to be also ... right?

I also enjoyed the cast of characters and the majority of the settings in this story. They were varied and interesting to read about. They blended well together and helped to form a cohesive landscape for Shade's journey.

Okay ... what I didn't like ...


Rather, I didn't like how Shade was portrayed. He didn't feel real to me. I know he was a 'shadow' or a 'blur,' but he still had human emotions and feelings. My issue with Shade's story is it didn't feel very exciting. He sort of faded into the settings.

Another thing that annoyed me immensely is the repetition of the seemingly impossible turned probable. I sense an example is needed. Okay ... for example ... in the beginning Shade was in a shop looking for an object. He noticed some magic at work set in place by a very powerful wizard. Shade wasn't sure if he would be able to break the spell. He concentrated and then *gasp* what's this?! A teeny-tiny error in the spell that Shade just so happened to find and was miraculously able to use to break the spell. This type of scenario didn't just happen once. It happened over and over again. I mean, come on, I'm all for the shunned main character getting the best of someone who seems more powerful than him, but there HAS to be a limit to his good luck. It became redundant and greatly unimaginative, which turned me off from this book.

Sorry to all you fantasy-lovers out there who enjoyed this series, but this was certainly not my cup of tea.

*A paperback copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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