Saturday, March 9, 2013

{Review} Cooper Moon: The Temptation by Cheryl Shireman

ISBN #: 978-1625660084
Page Count: 358
Copyright: December 5, 2012
Publisher: Still Waters Publishing

(Taken from back cover)

Welcome back to the small town of Timber Lake, Michigan. The streets may be relatively quiet, but a lot is going on behind closed doors! Most of it revolves around the most attractive man in town, Cooper Moon. Once a womanizer and a liar, Cooper is trying to change his ways. Unfortunately, that's not so easy. One of his ex-girlfriends is determined to seduce him, he is about to receive a blackmail note from another ex-girlfriend, and his wife is tired of his cheating ways. Trouble is brewing, faith is wavering, and love is being tested.

Full of unexpected twists and turns, Cooper Moon: The Temptation is sure to keep you turning pages!

Charlene's Review:

Picking up where Cooper Moon: The Calling left off, The Temptation returns us to Timber Lake after the opening Sunday of Cooper's new church. Still trying to repair the damage of his past, Cooper faces continuing trials with his ex, Libby, who won't let go, a newly interested, Lucy, and his wife, Sally, who still struggles to believe in his new-found faith. In addition, Cooper is being blackmailed, and things just aren't what they appear.

Cooper, while definitely not in running for saint status, is a likable, well-meaning man bent on doing the right thing against tremendous odds. I love how Ms. Shireman takes Cooper's Sunday sermons and adds just a touch of religion without making the reading heavy, with Cooper making the statement that he remembers the passage from Matthew as having been read by Linus in Charlie Brown.

Opening to the first page was like dropping in on old friends. Ms. Shireman has a way of writing that brings life to the town and its people and I feel as if I've known them forever. From Jake, the local cop with secrets of his own, to the gang at Bass Turds, the local watering hole, Timber Lake is full of interesting and conspiring characters. I am addicted to this series. I absolutely cannot wait to see what happens in Timber Lake next!

5 out of 5 stars!

*A physical copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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