Thursday, March 12, 2015

{Review} THE SHIP OF BRIDES by Jojo Moyes

ISBN #: 978-0143126478
Page Count: 464
Copyright: October 28, 2014
Publisher: Penguin Books

Book Summary:
(Taken from back cover)

1946. World War II has ended, and all over the world young women are beginning to fulfill the promises made to the men they wed in wartime.

In Sydney, Australia, four women join 650 other war brides on an extraordinary voyage to England - aboard HMS Victoria, which carries not just arms and aircraft, but also a thousand naval officers. Rules are strictly enforced, but the men and the brides will find their lives intertwined despite the Navy's ironclad sanctions. And for Frances Mackenzie, the complicated young woman whose past comes back to haunt her, the journey will change her life in ways she never could have predicted - forever.

Mandy's Review:

Well, it was bound to happen. I've enjoyed the other Jojo Moyes' books so much that it was inevitable there'd be one that I'm not too fond of. Don't get me wrong, the writing is solid and the story's well-researched. I just didn't connect with the characters as much as I did in the other Moyes' novels.

Frances was probably the biggest surprise. I knew when the novel started that she had some skeletons in her closet, but I wasn't sure what. When I found out what they were, the way she acts now made sense. I did feel for her, but from a distance. Sort of like a news story you hear and you empathize with the people in it, but it doesn't hold you emotionally.

Avice was so hoity-toity (sp?) that I just wanted to slap her. I know you know the type. The girls that are so spoiled they call their mother and father "mummy" and "daddy," or "daddy-kins." The ones that would rather talk to their father because he's wrapped around her finger. The ones that stomp their silk-wrapped little foot and pout knowing daddy will throw some money at whatever situation they're in to fix things. Needless to say, Avice tested my patience.

Jean was the youngest of the bunch and the most promiscuous. Part of me felt for her. I think she did it for attention and to appear more worldly. Problem is, she wasn't worldly and her actions usually wound up getting her in more trouble.

Margaret was a combination of Avice and Frances with a bit of Jean thrown in. Of the four, I related with her the most. She enjoyed time around the men more than the women because, we all know it, less drama. I totally relate to that.

I'm not sure what it was that turned me off of this novel. Maybe it was all the stuff I have going on in my personal life. Maybe it was the military aspect of things. Maybe it was the fact that I had a hard time keeping up with who was who for the male characters. Whatever it was, I would still recommend it to you Jojo Moyes fans out there. I don't want one not-so-great experience to deter you from trying it out.

*A physical copy of this novel was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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