Sunday, February 22, 2015


File Size: 4704 KB
Page Count: 322
Copyright: November 25, 2014
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press LLC

Book Summary:
(Taken from Goodreads)

Twenty-one year old Annie Whitaker is over the moon: She and Nate, her college sweetheart, have just gotten engaged and she's driving home to give her parents the news. Not only that, but she's spending the summer as an intern with her dad, Lake Okeechobee's waterkeeper. Life just doesn't get any better than that. However, when she arrives home, Annie's greeted with news that will change her life in ways she couldn't begin to fathom when she left Gainesville a few hours earlier.

Meanwhile, her grandfather - a man she's never met and doesn't even know exists - has made a powerful enemy, one who's bent on revenge and knows exactly how to get it. Unfortunately for Annie, his efforts to get even may cost her her life.

Kathy's Review:


There’s a good story in here somewhere. I think.

However, I could not get over the utter IDIOCY of all these characters. Stuff happens that would make a normal person freak out, and these dimwits are all like … what evs. For instance, Annie finds a box with $10k in her room, asks her mom about it, neither of them know where it came from … and then she just puts it back and forgets about it. Um, what? I don’t know about you, but if 10 grand showed up in my closet, I’d be unable to think about anything else BUT that money until I figured out where it came from. I might not even be able to sleep. Nope, these two just go on with their lives.

Then, Phillip the horrible liar tells Annie some ridiculous lie to get out of something that culminated in her mom being questioned by the police, and SHE BELIEVES HIM. She doesn’t have any red flags about it at all, whatsoever. Really? We as the readers could see that Phillip was a bad guy from the moment he entered the story. Not to mention his “sidekick” Becky. Annie, however, is apparently so blinded by her attraction to him that she just accepts his word, which was a lie even my five-year-old could have called B.S. on.

It goes on from here. I don’t want to tear this to shreds, but I found the characters and plot action to be extremely unbelievable. Even the motivation for the “bad guy” seemed pretty ridiculous. If you’re going to plot revenge, you do research and realize you have the completely wrong targets. This guy didn’t do that. And didn’t do a wonderful job of covering his tracks.

The underlying thing happening between the environment lovers, the Native Americans and the pesticide people, I don’t know, it just fell flat to me.

OK, so clearly the book has issues. Because I don’t like to just be nasty, I will say that the writing is pretty solid, it’s just the execution that needs major help. I suggest the author go back and think these things through. Put yourself in the situation of … you just found a crapload of money in your house. Or think more about the mother daughter scenes that are so over the top - Annie is 21 and storms out of lame arguments with her mom and then thinks she’s forever ruined their relationship … give me a break.

There I go again. I’m not trying to be like this. Maybe I have cabin fever and I need to chill out for a bit. I think you get the idea on how I felt with this novel.

*An ecopy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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