Friday, November 14, 2014

{Meme} First Line Friday

First lines of novels can capture your attention, give you a clue to the character's past or present, set the stage for the entire novel, or more. First lines are extremely important and have a great responsibility. With that in mind, we'd like to introduce a new meme: First Line Friday.

When sharing the first line of the novel you're currently reading, please be sure to let us know the title and author. If you want to notate your thoughts and/or questions about the first line of your novel, please do!

As a side note: This used to be a regular meme on Rampant Reads last year. The blog could not be found online by Literary R&R. If this meme is already active via another blog, please let us know. We don't want to step on anyone's toes. Thanks all!

Here are our first lines for this week:

Sulie let out a huge yawn as she watched the apartment window from her parked car.

Not the most exciting start to a novel. I mean, even the character is bored. One does wonder, though, why she's watching an apartment window from her car. Is she waiting for someone? Is she on a stakeout? Guess we'll find out.

Drowning seemed like the best option or, for that matter, the only option.

So ... what's the first line of the novel you're reading this week? Share your link below!


  1. I like the drowning line. That gives us an immediate sense of danger. This makes me want to go back and really tweak the first lines of my stories and manuscripts to make sure they pop off the page.

    1. Agreed. The drowning line is much better than the first line of the other book.
