Tuesday, September 16, 2014


File Size: 1683 KB
Page Count: 239
Copyright: January 14, 2014

Book Description:
(Taken from Amazon)

Wine, romance, and French bureaucracy - the ups and downs of an American's life in Paris. This laugh-out-loud memoir is almost too funny to be true!

Drinking too much bubbly. Meeting sappy Frenchmen who have girlfriends or are creeps or both. Encountering problème after problème with French bureaucracy. When newly-single party girl Vicki moved to Paris, she was hoping to taste wine, stuff her face with croissants, and maybe fall in love.

In her first book, this cheeky storyteller and semi-professional drinker recounts the ups and downs of her life in Paris. Full of sass, shamefully honest admissions, and situations that seem too absurd to be true, Vicki makes you feel as if you're stumbling along the cobblestones with her.

Will she find love? Will she learn to consume reasonable amounts of alcohol? Will the French administration ever cut her a break?

Mandy's Review:

I accepted this book for review because I thought it'd actually be hilarious. I was looking forward to laughing so much my stomach hurt and I'd be crying from not being able to stop. Sorry, but, didn't happen. There were moments where I did actually laugh or emitted a chuckle. They were few though. I'm thinking this is because I've not been across the pond and haven't experienced Parisian life. I've heard the French are a bit snobbish. Perhaps one day I'll make it a point to go over there and see what the fuss is about.

Confessions of a Paris Party Girl reads like someone's blog posts, which is where I'm guessing this material came from. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It lends an air of personality and reality to the book, which is sometimes missing from novels. I appreciated that. Vicki's snarkiness was something I could relate to since I'm a huge fan of, and often use, snark and sarcasm.

No, this book wasn't as funny as I'd anticipated, but it wasn't bad either. It does give you a very informative view of how an expat would endure various situations in Paris. So, while this wasn't a favorite of mine, I think it would be enjoyable for those who've experienced Paris.

*An ecopy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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