Thursday, February 13, 2014

{Review} UNLEASH THE CURSE by Alexa Egan

ASIN #: B00A286OEQ
File Size: 2206 KB
Page Count: 102
Copyright: September 2, 2013
Publisher: Pocket Star

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Neither actress Sarah Hayes nor London’s most eligible bachelor Sebastian Commin, Earl of Deane, has ever forgotten their one and only scandalous night of white hot passion or the differences in their social positions that make a future together impossible. So when they discover that they’ll be fellow guests at a house party, they vow to keep each other at arm’s length. A vow broken when they find themselves caught up in a mystery involving a brutal attack on an Imnada shape-shifter and an unexplained entity known as the Naxos.

Each clue they uncover reveals more about the ancient Imnada enemy—monstrous soul-feeders with the power to devour worlds. Each fiery encounter between the aristocrat and the entertainer underscores the raw desire that crackles the very air between them until Sebastian is convinced to make Sarah his wife, no matter the cost to his reputation. He just needs to convince Sarah, who cares for him too much to allow his future to be ruined by marrying a low-born actress. It’s only when the sinister Naxos strike again and Sebastian’s life is threatened that Sarah realizes she’s willing to risk a little scandal in order to save the world…and the man she loves.

Mandy's Review:

Although short, UNLEASH THE CURSE tells a complete story like you would read in a standard sized novel. The reader is initially introduced to these characters in Ms. Egan's first book, DEMON'S CURSE. And, while you can read UNLEASH THE CURSE by itself, I think you would need to read DEMON'S CURSE first to get a real sense of who they are and the complexities of their relationships with each other.

Sarah's low-bred social position prevents her from being with the one man she truly loves: Sebastian. Sebastian's problem is that he doesn't want to be tied down to just one woman. He has the same fears as many of us. That, after awhile, being with the same person over and over again, day in and day out, would become quite boring and repetitious. Upon seeing Sarah with another man, and possibly betrothed to him, causes Sebastian to realize his feelings for Sarah and his risk of being the society's talk of the town be damned.

Sarah's problem of trying to figure a way out of her current marriage proposal tends to solve itself when her suitor turns out to be an evil, life-sucking, entity. As they battle him to the death, Sarah and Sebastian realize that, if they make it through this, they'll allow nothing to come between them ever again.

So, like I said, a short read but a complete story. This novella serves as a segue between the first book, DEMON'S CURSE, and the second full-length novel, SHADOW'S CURSE. Oh, and just an FYI ... AWAKEN THE CURSE is a prequel to DEMON'S CURSE so you really want to read that one first. If you're a fan of the supernatural, werewolves, otherworldly entities, I think it would be worth your time.

*An ecopy of this novella was provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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