Tuesday, December 3, 2013


ISBN #: 978-1462112098
Page Count: 176
Copyright: May 14, 2013
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.

(Taken from back cover)

Get out of the doghouse and back into the bedroom simply by swapping the TV remote for the toilet brush! Whether you’ve been married for three months or thirty years, failing to help around the house remains a major cause of discord. Following this book’s principles, a husband learns to decrease disputes and increase intimacy by:

owning his share of household work
listening to his wife’s needs and communicating his own
spending the time on chores now to make more time for love later

Using Marriage 101 for Men as a guide, you’ll be able to understand, alleviate, and ultimately eliminate the symptoms of stress in your relationship and be happier and more satisfied with all aspects of your marriage.

Charlene's Review:

Where was this book when I got married, and why isn’t it required reading in high school? Over her years as a hair dresser/chair-side therapist, Ms. Mills has heard it all, and is using that knowledge to explain the simple ways to "make love" to your wife, outside the bedroom.

I appreciated her insight into her own marital woes, as she admits to going on "strike" to get her own husband’s attention. Chapter titles, such as Housework - Your missing link to Sex, and Tip for Forrest Gump:"Listen", keep the advice light enough, yet pack a lot of advice. I, personally, think she gives men a pass by saying it "isn’t their fault" for not helping out, by blaming society and its roles, as really, how hard is it to realize your wife is struggling and lend a hand? But in the off-chance she is right, this leaves no doubt that they will "get it".

I enjoyed reading this book, and plan on sharing it with my husband, and perhaps my pastor, who counsels pre-marrieds. Lots of good advice in here for every married couple. Using a "contract" for her union husband to fully understand the terms she was insisting on was brilliant, as I am also the wife of a union man, and this is their language.

Hubby better watch out - I have new tools in my arsenal!

*A physical copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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