Monday, August 26, 2013

{Review} Reasons Not to Diet by Jenny Holmlund

ASIN #: B00CXP7472
File Size: 2804 KB
Copyright: May 21, 2013
Publisher: Turtle Bite Books

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Tired of all the hype, obsession and strict rules around our weight? Do you begin to suspect that dieting is just as effective for reaching your dream weight, as it is to get rich quickly by wishing upon a star? Do you think that beauty is an attitude, and not what the scale says? In this handy book, you get the fifty best reasons not to diet. And it's filled with beautiful illustrations that pay homage to people with curves and sass!

Reasons Not to Diet is a quick read antidote to hostile messages about how we should look. In the tone of a no-nonsense, straight talking and caring friend it will remind you that you are beautiful just as you are and argue why you shouldn't suffer another diet.

Mandy's Review:

As a (currently) plus-size girl, I do agree that society places too much emphasis on dieting and trying to get fat people skinny instead of healthy. There is beauty in curves and having a little extra fluffiness for guys/girls to hold on to. If this book is used to support those curvaceous women (and stocky guys) that are healthy and not obese, then I think this book is wonderful! My concern is that those who are obese and are not trying to be healthy will take this book as an okay to keep pursuing their unhealthy lifestyle.

I am currently in the process of losing my plus-size figure. Not because my husband doesn't love it (because he does), but because I want to be healthier. I'll always be thick and will never be stick-thin and I am absolutely okay with that, but there is something about being healthy. On my journey to being healthy, I am not dieting. I think dieting is for the birds. If that's what you like to do and it helps you, more power to you, honey, I'm proud of you. Dieting is not something I enjoy doing. Instead, I'm focusing on smaller portions and healthier foods. I'm focusing on changing my lifestyle by becoming more active.

If you're fed up with diets, Reasons Not to Diet will encourage you in your continuance to forego dieting. I only wish that it also encouraged healthy eating and an active lifestyle because curvaceous/stocky people are able to live such a life and not lose their lushness.

*An ecopy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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