Friday, August 16, 2013

{Meme} Book Blogger Hop

Welcome to the weekly edition of the Book Blogger Hop, kept alive by Billy from Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.

This week's question:

Were you a born bookworm or did somebody get you in the habit of reading?

Kathy's Response:

Natural born bookworm! I think I was reading by the time I was 5, and have been going strong ever since! I was a voracious reader all through school - digesting piles of paperbacks at a time. And I continue to love to read today!

Mandy's Response:

I come from a family of book-lovers and writers, so I am a natural born bookworm. I would sneak those forbidden books from my grandmother's and mother's shelves around the age of 9 or 10 and read them incessantly. I would always take out too many books from the library knowing I wouldn't be able to read them all before they were due back. It was only natural that I'd wind up as a book reviewer with an overflowing TBR pile!

How did you turn into a bookie?


  1. It's great to read so many comments from bloggers today about being born bookworms! :)

    I'm one, too -- and as a librarian, really bask in all the books I'm surrounded by. (and of course, my tbr list is way too long.....)

  2. That is awesome that you came from a family of readers.

    Have a great answer is below.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. Love that you took out heaps of books from the library. I didn't have a library growing up in our area. But I did read any bit of print I could get my hands on.
