Monday, June 24, 2013

{Meme} It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Monday, Monday, Monday ... One of the great things about Monday is that we get to share with you what we're reading this week. We also enjoy seeing your comments about what you have planned this week, so leave us one!


Last week, Kathy reviewed The Erlking by Rebecca Yount. Here's what she has going on this week:

For the 2013 TBR Pile Challenge
Charlie is a freshman.

And while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it.

Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But he can't stay on the sideline forever. Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.


Last week, Mandy was able to review When Hell Came to Texas by Robert Vaughan, Confession by Richard Freis, and Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. Here's what she has going on this week:

For the 2013 TBR Pile Challenge
Theia Anderson has always led a sheltered life in the small California town of Serendipity Falls. But when a devastatingly handsome boy appears in the halls of her school, Theia knows she's seen Haden before - not around town, but in her dreams.

As the Haden of both the night and the day beckons her closer one moment and pushes her away the next, the only thing Theia knows for sure is that the incredible pull she feels towards him is stronger than her fear.

And when she discovers what Haden truly is, Theia's not sure if she wants to resist him, even if the cost is her soul.

Every 360 days the earth spins counter-clockwise for five days. While this happens, some people sleep and some people fall into a world they never knew existed; a world where they will learn to survive or learn to die.

Seventeen year old Nicky Barrett is one of the fallen. She has woken up in this empty world and has met people from every generation. Some are good and some are pure evil. She will have to try to fit in, though, because, now that she's here, she will never be able to go back home.

All three ladies of Literary R&R (Kathy, Mandy, and Charlene) are reading the book below:

In the small town of Hadlee, Mississippi, during the 1980's, Jason Lee Rainey struggles to find his way amongst the old, steadfast Southern attitudes about race, while his friendship with a black boy, Samson Johnson, deepens.

By way of stories from others, Jason Lee learns about his larger-than-life father, who was killed in Vietnam. He longs to become that sort of man, but doesn't believe he has it in him.

In The Clock of Life he learns lessons from the past, and the realities of inequality. He flourishes with the bond of friendship; endures the pain of senseless death; finds the courage to stand up for what he believes is right; and comes to realize he is his father's son.

This story explores how two unsettling chapters in American history, the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War, affect the fate of a family, a town, and two boyhood friends.

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