Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Review: Tears of Min Brock by J.E. Lowder

ISBN #: 978-0615699769
Page Count: 388
Copyright: September 22, 2012
Publisher: WordCrafts Press

Book Summary:
(Taken from Goodreads)

Dark and brooding, Tears of Min Brock follows a young girl of 14 summers, named Elabea, who hears a whisper calling her to the shining land of Claire; a kingdom that was supposedly destroyed in the devastating Dark War. Outcast from her family and village, with her childhood friend, Galadin, her only companion, Elabea sets out on an epic quest to become one of the most powerful beings in the world - a storyteller.

Kathy's Review:

I first read this book over a year ago, and enjoyed it then (first review is here). The author has rewritten and re-released the book in anticipation of releasing the sequel. As I read through, I remembered much of it, but it felt a little bit more rushed, especially in the beginning. Without the old version to compare it to, I feel like maybe some of the early stuff was edited out?

Most of this book felt the same, and as I read along, I remembered some of the key moments. Those are all intact. I'm not sure what all was different, but for the most part I think it's still an engaging, touching tale that sets up the action for the second installment. You will find an endearing character in Elabea, as well as her companion Galadin, and their coming-of-age journey together to find the legendary land of Claire. Most believe it no longer exists, that it was wiped out in a great war. But Elabea believes, and Galadin is loyal to her though he has his doubts. Lassiter is another boy on a journey of his own, with his father figure Newcomb. This side plot is given more prominence in this writing of the story, I believe. Lassiter will become very important in the second book.

If you want to get on board with a gripping adventure series that's just getting started, I highly recommend Tears of Min Brock. I am personally looking forward to see where this adventure leads Elabea next.

*An ecopy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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