Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{Review} The Supreme Warrior by John Viril

ASIN #: B009BM8D9I
File Size: 805 KB
Page Count: 344
Copyright: September 15, 2012

Book Summary:
(Taken from Goodreads)

Calidon Dannik has been in love with Alynde, the daughter of Horgeond's most powerful Baron, since he was 10 years old. Now, Cal's father schemes to win her hand for Henrick, Cal's older brother.

Unable to accept his father's decision, Calidon attempts a bold gambit to win Alynde for himself. The aspiring Knight soon finds himself enmeshed in elaborate plots that extend far beyond the confines of his homeland.

Cal's adventure takes him from his father's Barony to the vast dwarf warrens of Nidafall and finally to the fabulous City of Selinger - whose Prince has struggled for decades to bring the warring Barons under his sway. Cal must accept the destructive nature of knighthood before he can help Prince Keldrin thwart the corrupt powers that yearn to dominate Horgeond.

If you like epic fantasy that embroils you in vicious intrigue, takes you to far lands inhabited by strange creatures, and explores big themes like the relationship between war, religion, economics and ecology, then The Supreme Warrior is for you.

Kathy's Review:

Maybe I should stop agreeing to read fantasy/adventure novels. It's not my thing, I'm clearly not the target audience, and therefore I usually don't "get it" while I'm reading. If it's written well and has an engaging plot, I will usually enjoy it. But these "epic fantasy" type novels are far too long and far too complicated for me to really get on board.

The Supreme Warrior has its moments of enjoyment. I like the main plot line with Calidon, aka Cal, but pretty much everything else bored the pants off of me. (OK, my pants stayed on. But still.) There's a lot of political intrigue stuff happening here that really didn't hold my interest.

I think people who are inclined to read fantasy novels might really enjoy this one, as it is written well and has a very likable protagonist. However, it's not my cup of tea, and I honestly struggled to get through it.

*An ecopy of this novel was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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