Friday, March 15, 2013

{Review} Delilah Dusticle by A. J. York

File Size: 220 KB
Page Count: 33
Copyright: March 3, 2013
Publisher: A. J. York

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Delilah Dusticle has special powers, she can completely eradicate dust. With her quiver pouch of special dusters Delilah can run up walls and reaches places others just can't. As a maid in the Fenchurch-Whittington house Delilah's unusual skills soon lead to her being promoted to Chief Dust Eradicator and Remover. Until one day a broken heart leads to her powers taking an unexpected turn.

This is the first in a series of touching and funny stories about Delilah Dusticle. Follow her on a journey of self-discovery, friendship and adventure.

Mandy's Review:

Delilah reminds me of Rosie from the futuristic cartoon, The Jetsons. She can go up walls and eradicate dust from every person, crevice, it doesn't matter what or where it is. There's a catch to Delilah's skills, though ... they only seem to work when she's happy and content.

Unrequited love can be very hurtful and that's how Delilah becomes extremely sad and depressed. Once her heart is broken, Delilah starts trailing dust everywhere. Dust even puffs out of her mouth when she speaks, which I find slightly disgusting and it made me want to clean just reading about it. For a little girl reading this story, though, it's very emotional and has a magical feel to it.

Eventually, Delilah becomes best friends with the last person she ever expected. As their friendship grows, Delilah becomes happy again and is able to eradicate dust once more. This first book in the series does end happily for Delilah and I was glad to see it.

This would make the perfect book for little girls, probably around 7 or 8 years old. To be a short story, it has a lot happening. Don't mistake what I write, though ... even though there's a lot happening the story does not feel rushed or lacking in any way. It really is the perfect little story to read to your daughter, niece, granddaughter, etc.

*An ecopy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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