Wednesday, January 23, 2013

{Review} Uncontrollable by S. R. Johannes

ISBN #: 978-0984799145
Page Count: 288
Copyright: September 26, 2012
Publisher: Coleman & Scott

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

As Grace recovers from tragedy, her science class is chosen by Agent Sweeney at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to help with research on the new "Red Wolf Reintroduction Program." While she's excited about helping with the conservation of the endangered wolves, Grace knows this means being outdoors in the worst winter on record, in a place she no longer feels comfortable. It also means working closely with Wyn (her ex) and his annoying girlfriend (Skyler), a girl whose idea of getting close to nature is killing two silk plants and watering a cactus.

After a couple of wolves show up dead, Grace almost quits. However, when a fellow project team member goes missing, Grace continues the assignment under a renewed suspicion that someone might be sabotaging the conservation program. She quietly begins to hunt for clues. Little does she know, she is being hunted too.

Mandy's Review:

Remember how I griped about Grace and her emotions in my review of Untraceable? Well, she's still a little too emotional in this book for my taste, BUT she's A LOT better than she was in Untraceable. As a matter of fact, this whole storyline is much improved over the first book. The characters seem MUCH more believable.

Wyn, Grace's ex, is, in my humble opinion, playing the field. He wants Grace, is supposedly in love with her, but has Skyler as his girlfriend. If I were Skyler and I saw my boyfriend still so hung up over his ex ... I'd be kicking the boy to the curb. I don't play second fiddle to anyone, but I guess Skyler's okay with it.

Grace is still understandably upset over the recent deaths of her father and her boyfriend, Mo. She feels as if everyone and every animal around her dies. Even the townspeople blame her for the stopping of much-needed funds for their town (even the town is dying around her) ... and the death of their Sheriff. All of this, plus the avoidance of her one-time friends, wears Grace down emotionally. Her only bright spots are a better relationship with her mother and having her grandmother back in town. When the "Red Wolf Reintroduction Program" comes along, it gives Grace the opportunity to get out of town and back into the woods where she really feels at home.

Filled with unrequited love, death, murder, conspiracy, deception, and a fictional account of a serious (and real) nature problem, Uncontrollable is an improved addition to the Nature of Grace series. If Grace would just control her uncontrollable self, this would be a wonderful series to add to your ever-growing TBR piles.

*An ecopy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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