Wednesday, December 26, 2012

{Review} Capsize by William Van Dorn

ASIN #: B004X6LR8Q
File Size: 401 KB
Page Count: 212
Copyright: April 18, 2011
Publisher: Amazon

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Imagine ... you are snugly asleep in the bunk of your chartered diving boat, when it flips upside down, fills with water, and sinks within four minutes!

Of fourteen passengers and crew, only six manage to crawl out into icy water and make it to the surface in a raging windstorm.

The rest of this incredible story accounts the heroic survival efforts of those who escaped the sinking, not as a group, but mostly as individuals.

Many other groups and individuals are involved in the massive international rescue effort prompted by a sturdy boat's disappearance without warning.

Mandy's Review:

The best thing I can say about this book? It was well-written and grammatically correct. There were some exciting moments and moments of suspense, but overall ... this book was boring.

The reader is taken from a few minutes before the boat capsizes until the moment all survivors are rescued. I think I would have rather read about what the passengers were doing before this final trip and then had the ending be the capsized boat where I'm left to wonder about whether or not there were any survivors.

It just hit me ... this story feels as if it's the unseen story between the final chapter and the epilogue at the end of a book. So, it's not a bad story, but it is a story I could have done without.

*An ecopy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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