Saturday, December 15, 2012

{Blog Tour/Review} Whisper of Crows by Jameson Hesse

ISBN #: 978-0578108971
Page Count: 358
Copyright: August 20, 2012
Publisher: iibooks (1st Edition)

Book Summary:
(Taken from back cover)

Kanaan James is a disturbed teenage boy obsessed with his childhood friend Abigail Caulfield. A horrible car accident leaves Abigail stricken with amnesia and Kanaan, desperate for her attention, convinces her they are soul mates, running from the law. In the midst of a passionate love affair, while hiding in an old abandoned house deep in the woods, Kanaan is forced to test the boundaries of his own humanity.

Mandy's Review:

Kanaan is a magnet for sexual abuse, it seems. The book starts off with his being anally raped with a stick by the captain of his high school's football team. Then his stepfather rapes him after beating his wet, naked body with a belt. Later still, the neighbor cops a feel claiming he does it out of the loneliness he feels since his wife's passing.

I don't know if it's because of the rape or something else, but Kanaan is a mentally twisted individual. He holds his love-interest's hand as she dies from a car wreck, then she's alive with amnesia, then she's dead again in the corner of an old shack. His stepfather is alive, then chopped into pieces and thrown down a well then alive enough again to kill Kanaan's caretaker.

By the time I was halfway through this book, I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't. I felt as if I was taking a twisted, acid-tripping ride through a Tim Burton creation. If a book is a reflection of its author, as I believe they are, then Mr. Hesse is definitely one twisted individual ... that I would like to meet.

What can I say ... I have a fondness for weirdness that makes me question reality.

*A physical copy of this book was provided through the tour promoter, Pump Up Your Book, for an honest review for this tour.

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