Saturday, October 27, 2012

{Review} Redemption on the River by Loren DeShon

ISBN #: 978-0985925925
Page Count: 390
Copyright: August 2, 2012
Publisher: Loren DeShon

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Silas Jacobson pulled a trigger, killed his father, and ended up months later face down in Memphis mud, trying to forget the girl who betrayed him.

Silas buries his father on the farm, his guilt in himself and leaves home seeking to forget past mistakes. He travels on Mississippi steamboats and meets his best friend in a brawl, his worst enemy in a cathouse, and a mentor and lover at a New Orleans faro table. Fighting, fornicating, and cheating at cards are a grand time, but there's another woman, a girl on a mission of her own, who saves his life and offers the opportunity to redeem himself.

Silas staggers out of the mud to go to her, but he finds that she's deceived him from the start. He'll risk his neck for her - he owes her that much - but love is no longer possible. His shot at redemption comes down to his conscience, the two women, a poker game, and the turn of a card.

Redemption on the River is historical fiction set along the Mississippi River in 1848.

Kathy's Review:

From the opening lines of this story, I let the tale sweep me away like the currents on the Mississippi River. Silas is an intriguing character who has his vices. But deep down, he wants to help his family and erase some of the guilt he feels for his father's death. I loved the descriptions of the towns along the Mississippi, including New Orleans and St. Louis, in the late 1800's. Normally I'm not a huge fan of historical fiction, but the writing is so engaging that I forgot my bias.

I'd say this is definitely among the top books I've read for review this year. Author Loren DeShon so expertly paints a picture of the riverboats, the seedy establishments, gambling halls, etc., that Silas frequents that you feel like you're there alongside him for this adventure. The push and pull romance between Hannah and Silas is the main driver for the plot, but there's plenty of action, too. There's fights, friendships, high-stakes gambling, smuggling slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad, and so much more. Although Silas goes from rags to riches and then rags again, and he definitely has a temper and a mouth that gets him in trouble a lot, you can't help but root for him to succeed, both in life and in winning Hannah's heart.

Highly recommended for any reader who appreciates high quality writing, plot and characters. This is a true A+.

*A paperback copy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I enjoyed this book recently and agree with your comments. I love historical fiction so I hope you'll venture further into this genre now and try a few others :-)

    Tracey (Carpe Librum)
