Wednesday, September 12, 2012

{Review} Angelic Warfare: The Stones of Fire by Bolko Zimmer

ISBN #: 978-1432770822
Page Count: 128
Copyright: April 14, 2011
Publisher: Outskirts Press

(Taken from back cover)

A dramatic retelling of the fall of man, Angelic Warfare: The Stones of Fire is a captivating account of the ultimate confrontation between good and evil. In this vividly imagined work, author Bolko Zimmer creates a fully realized universe populated by seraphim, cherubim, and countless angels - all with their own agendas and allegiances.

At the center of the conflict is the cherub prince, Lucifer. It's the dawn of time, and Lucifer is filled with vanity. Before long, he rebels against the Supreme Spirit, who rules over all. Lucifer then convinces a third of the angels to follow him and they began an endless reign of evil. Among their heinous crimes: enticing mankind to commit every imaginable sin. The actions of these fallen angels also give rise to giants, who terrorize the humans, and monstrous beasts, which destroy everything in their path.

Hope comes in the form of an archangel and mighty prince named Michael. He and his angels enter this world of growing wickedness to watch over and protect the virtuous people. But the angels soon confront legions of demons, valiantly resisting them until something horrifying occurs that changes heaven and earth forever ...

Charlene's Review:

Angelic Warfare covers the beginning of Creation and the fall of mankind. Lucifer, once a cherub prince, follows his own greedy desires and turns on the Ancient Spirit. When he manages to tempt the humans in the garden to disobey the Ancient Spirit as well, the humans and Earth are given over to Lucifer and the battle for human souls begins.

Biblically centered and guided, this religious novel takes the story of Satan to a whole new level. Creative imagery and fast-moving action makes this an entertaining segue for those who are not familiar with the Bible. Coupled with a deep understanding of God's Word, Mr. Zimmer has created a new tool for igniting a fire in the unchurched, and followers, as well.

My favorite quote from the book is also the most eye-opening for me; "The beginning of the end will commence when the chosen ones let their faith become putridly lukewarm."

Those familiar with the stories in Genesis and beyond, will enjoy "meeting" such famous characters as Noah and Methuselah and Enoch. The "otherworlds" are fantastic and the beasts and giants fanciful and frightening. A gaseous corridor leading to and from Heaven and asteroids shattering the icy canopy covering the Earth are the stuff of science fiction.

Although done with dramatic license, I found this to be a biblically led novel. I will definitely be sharing this book with many and hope to see more from Mr. Zimmer. I highly recommend this book for all.

*A physical copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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