Friday, September 21, 2012

{Book Blog Hop} #17

Welcome to Literary R&R's stop on this week's Book Blogger Hop, created by Jen over at Crazy For Books. To view this week's participants, just click on the Crazy for Books link above to view the linky list.

This week's question:

What is the one thing that your blog readers probably do not know about you?

Mandy's Answer:

Not only am I a book nerd, I also love to play card games. Since my husband doesn't like to play games, I get my fix online via My favorite card game: Canasta. I grew up playing this game with my grandmother, mom, and brother. When I saw it was on Pogo, I had to join.

It doesn't stop there ... I also host Canasta tournaments on Pogo. It's something I enjoy and the league I'm a part of is wonderful.

Now that you know what kind of dork I am, what don't I know about you?

Kate's Answer:

I have a scar on my forehead of relatively substantial size. Most people seem not to notice it. I think this is because first how well the stitches were done, then the placement (on the left side of my forehead going into the hairline), but mostly I think it is because I am so pale the scar blends with my natural color.

I've never done much to hide it, sometimes I even part my hair at it (which then makes it show). I find some scars (the ones that have no real bad memories with them, like mine) add character. And it is an interesting story to tell!

Kathy's Answer:

I'm sure most don't know that I would love to be a published author myself. Often when I'm reviewing books I'll think, "I wish I thought of that!" Being a reviewer has opened my eyes to how easy it is to self-publish, although I'd love the affirmation of being published by a "real" publishing house! I'd love to publish something in the literary fiction genre, or a collection of humorous essays.


  1. So nice to know more about all of you. I love this question.

    Stop by to find out my secrets and for a giveaway of five e-books if you like. It is right below the Book Blogger Post.

    Silver's Reviews

  2. I'm blog hopping! Loved y'alls answers.
    Thanks for sharing! New Follower!
    My Friday Book Blog Hops

  3. Kate: embrace it - you are clearly Harry Potter!
    Sophie x

    1. Haha! Thanks Sophie! I do love my scar. It's been a part of me for so long I couldn't imagine not having it!

      I must be the next Harry Potter for sure! :)


  4. I've never played Canasta but I do love card games. My Dad and I play alot when we go on vacation together :)

    How did you get the scar?!?

    I'm content just being a reader :)

    Here's my post:

