Friday, August 3, 2012

{Review} Shadowland Anthology by Toby Tate

File Size: 171 KB
Page Count: 108

Book Description:
(Taken from Amazon)

A world where murderous shadows come to life, the love of a wife and mother reaches from beyond the grave and a human monster sows the seeds of his own destruction. Eight tales of joy and terror, good and evil, love and hate, disgrace and redemption.

Mandy's Review:

Toby Tate reminds me of the guys I used to hang around in high school. We created our own language (Shroom language) and came up with off-the-wall stories. Toby would've fit in perfectly.

His Shadowland Anthology is an eclectic mix of stories that will make you wonder what exactly he may have smoked during his younger years. The stories are normal, every day situations, but then Toby twists them just enough to make you think of a few stoners sitting around as high as they can be coming up with this stuff. And, yes, before you ask or wonder, I used to be a stoner. We were always discussing, "Hey! Wouldn't it be cool if ..." or "You know, now that I think about it ..." There was no limit to the crazy stories we could imagine.

Thank you, Toby, for making me reminisce on easier times. I'm not sure this is the review you imagined when you sent me your book, but all-in-all I enjoyed the trip down memory lane.

*An ecopy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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