Thursday, August 9, 2012

{Review} Her Dark Destiny (Hunters of the Dark #1) by Dave Ferraro

ASIN #: B004W0IEU2
File Size: 549 KB
Page Count: 414
Copyright: April 9, 2011
Publisher: Dave Ferraro

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Teenager Shanna Hunt has been hunting demons since her parents were murdered by them. She's used to doing things alone, her own way, but one fateful night throws her into the company of a team of hunters, each specializing in a particular kind of monster: vampires, werewolves, witches, shape-shifters ... This newly-formed team should be an unstoppable force for whatever is out there picking off individual hunters across the globe, but their first battle together against the monsters of the night could be their last.

Mandy's Review:

Her Dark Destiny is a refreshing addition to the paranormal genre. Shanna is realistically portrayed. Even though she's a hunter and a fighter, she's insecure, emotional, unsure of herself, and shy when it comes to dealing with people.

Her hunting started when her parents were murdered, but it really went full-force when her best friend was murdered. After that night, she joined The Agency with a group of other hunters. Each hunter hunts a different type of paranormal entity: werewolves, vampires, giants, witches, etc. It seems as if the hunter's prey is chosen based on that hunter's past events and personal experiences. The variance makes for an interesting back-story. The main focus, of course, is on Shanna.

As I was reading this novel, I was trying to think of comparisons but could not come up with any. It is a unique storyline to any that I have read before. Not all the guys in the novel want the main female character (THANK YOU, DAVE!!!), but she does have to decide between a bad boy and a good one.

Overall, this novel was well-written with relatable characters and a unique storyline that maintains a reader's interest. You, my dear Mr. Ferraro, receive five stars from me for that. I cannot wait to read what happens next.

*An ecopy was gifted through Amazon from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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