Friday, August 17, 2012

Book Blogger Hop

I know it's been awhile since we've participated in this hop and I am excited for us to get back into it!!!! The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Crazy for Books. To read the history and rules for this hop, simply click here and it'll tell you all about it.

This week's question is:

"What is the one genre you will NEVER read?"

Mandy's Response:

I used to say that I would never ever read science-fiction. I used to equate science fiction to the Star Wars movies, which I absolutely loathe. However, over the course of reviewing several self-published authors, I have been swayed by some really awesome science-fiction authors.

So, again, the question begs to be answered: Which genre would I NEVER read?



This has also happened over the course of my reading self-published authors ... I will never read another self-help book again. I do have one or two that I previously agreed to review that I will honor, but after those ... that's it. I know self-help authors need promoting like any other author, but I want to be able to escape into a fake world when I read. I don't want to "fix" me. I like me. I have some rough spots, but overall I think I'm pretty great. Reading self-help books has just turned into a bore for me, which tells me it's time for me to stop reading them.

Sorry, authors.


  1. Looks like in your case this is one genre you will never read again. I don't read self-help books either, I like me and if I want to change something about myself I don't think I will get the help I will need from a book.

    New follower, following through GFC :)

    My Blog Hop Post

    1. Thank you for following! I'll be checking out your Blog Hop post shortly. =)

  2. I don't like Sci-Fi either.

    Stop by for my full answer if you like.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth! I'll be checking out your post shortly. =)

  3. I think the rough spots can make us more interesting people ;) so I don't blame you a bit!

    Erotica and paranormal have made my list of no-no genres

    1. I agree, if we were all "normal" or the same then where would our differences lie, making us different?

      I used to say 'no' to erotica, but then I decided to give it a shot. It can sometimes lead to more intimate moments with your mate. ;-)

  4. Yeah, self-help books are a tough one, especially if you don't really need any help in that area!

    Here's mine

    1. Thanks for stopping by Shan! I'll be checking out your post shortly.

  5. LOL - I actually love self-help books. Well, as long as they are written in an engaging way. Still, I don't read them very often. There are just lots of other genres I like better, you know?

    So glad to have found you via the Hop!

    1. We're glad you found us, too! Thanks for stopping by. =)

  6. Yes most nonfiction is not one of my top picks if I am chosing what to read. But I have read a few good books through our book club that I would not read otherwise.

    1. I know what you mean. While there's not a local book club in my area, there are definitely books/genres I've read through doing this blog that I wouldn't have read otherwise.

  7. Yea, I think I know what you mean with self-help books. Sometimes, we just want to be ourselves, not what a book tells us is best.

    Check out my answer

    1. Exactly, Leanne! Thanks for stopping by; I'll check out your post shortly. =)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by Laurel! We'll be checking out your blog soon. =)

  9. I think self-help only "helps" if you're really ready to make a change. I've stayed away from that genre for quite a while too. That's great that indie authors have made you like sci fi!
    New follower!

    1. Very true! The two authors that have made me like sci-fi should really be signed to a major publisher. I wish someone would recognize them!

      Thanks for the follow! =)

  10. Personally for me it is Poetry...I don't like it and most of the time it just annoys me. And menage, I only need one other naked person in the room.

    1. Hahahahaha ... I totally agree! I don't need more than one person with me during sex.

      I like some poetry, but I wouldn't accept it for a review. I'd rather read it for enjoyment without having to take the time to critique it.
