Monday, May 21, 2012

Mandy Reviews: The Third Q by Arnold Francis & Robert Luxenberg

ISBN #: 978-1608321872
Page Count: 333
Copyright: October 2011
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press

Book Summary:
(Taken from back cover)

The esoteric wisdom of the Third Q transforms the lives of all who are suffering. However, understanding the Third Q requires a psycho-spiritual journey and the acquisition of a new perspective on reality.

Zoro Montana is a part-time chauffeur who travels from the depths of despair to the heights of awakening under the tutelage of a sophisticated philosopher who has intimate knowledge of Zoro's past, present, and future. Reluctant at first to divert from his path of self-destruction, Zoro sets out on a search for a missing art treasure and the truth behind his father's suicide. Navigating through church history, neuroscience, and near-fatal violence, Zoro emerges into the light of newfound understanding based on the life-altering Third Q. Zoro's struggle and eventual triumph will thrill readers while giving them the opportunity to discover the unrealized potential in their own lives.

Mandy's Review:

I'm a little torn with this book. I enjoyed watching Zoro search for answers to his past while trying to find the final painting. The journey he took to find clues was intriguing and kept my interest.

The Third Q is a part of a person's mind that is rarely used by every day people. This book tells you, in a fictionally fact-based way, how to expand your mind to utilize the Third Q part of your brain. I must say, I found that part of the novel to have dragged out a little too long for me. I realize that it is a hard concept to grasp, especially for those not used to expanding their mind, but for the purposes of the novel I think the authors could have progressed that part of the novel at a quicker pace. It took a little over half the novel for Zoro to finally agree that Max's way was the best way ... Too tedious for me. I would've rather had more action in a fiction novel than so much intellectualism.

I appreciated the ending. The authors showed how our lives tend to continue on into others' lives should we be willing to share the knowledge we've gained during our life's journeys.

If you enjoy a fictionally fact-based novel that has more intellectual aspects than a completely action-packed novel, then you would definitely enjoy The Third Q.

*An ARC of this novel was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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