Monday, January 16, 2012

Book Blogger Confessions: #2

This meme was began and co-hosted by Tiger (Welcome To: All-Consuming Media) and Karen (For What It's Worth Reviews) as a way for book bloggers to open up and vent about their book-blogging experiences.

This week's question(s):

Have you ever had reading/blogging slumps?
How do you work through them or work around them?

Mandy's Answer:

I think it's safe to say that everybody who enjoys reading goes through reading slumps on occasion. Perhaps you get tired of reading the same genres over and over again. Perhaps you get tired of reading taking up the time you could be using to clean or cook or take care of your significant other. Perhaps reading cuts in on your sleeping time and you're plum worn out. Whatever the reason, we all experience slumps.

Whenever I experience a reading slump, I take a break. I simply put away all the books that I have to read and give my brain a breather for a few days. Then, when I'm ready, I'll slowly work my way back into taking on a full reading load ... which, for me, consists of two or three books at a time and reading several times a day, often well into the night.

Working my way back into reading usually involves one book. I take that book with me to work and read it on my lunch break. Eventually, I will get more and more engrossed in the story that it helps me get back into reading full-swing.

As far as blogging slumps go, I try not to get into a blogging slump. There are four reviewers on this blog, so there's usually always a review being posted. Where I slump at is with the memes. I used to participate in memes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, before this meme started. I don't remember the last time I participated in those other memes. I think that's because most memes post at 12:01 a.m. (some post before that), but by that time I'm either in bed asleep or reading and I do not feel like getting back up out of bed to get on the computer to post a meme. Then, in the mornings before work, I do not wake myself up in enough time to get on here and post them.

How can I get myself out of this partial blogging slump? I'm not sure, but I want to get back in the swing of it so my blog has more variety.

What about you?


  1. I agree with Mandy - when you're in a "slump" it means its time for a break! Like so many things in life, it's best to go with it and not fight it, because fighting it will only make it last longer. As soon as I feel a blogging slump come on, I acknowledge it and give myself permission -and I let my bloggis know. Just giving myself permission is huge, it takes the "have to" out of it, and I usually come back to blogging before I said I would. Usually my reading slumps come because I read one or two things that disappoint me. So I wait until I hear about or see something that looks like it's really good. Just found your blog and I like it!

    1. Glad you like it Melissa! Thanks for the comment. =)

  2. I'm also with the people who believe in the occasional break. I've sometimes broken a slump by doing a mini read-a-thon (I read and wrote about some Roald Dahl books) -- and trying a new weekly post can sometimes help. I don't post a lot of photos on my blog, but I participate in Wordless Wednesday, and I find just doing that helps, too. :)

    1. I've been interested in Wordless Wednesdays, but I'm afraid my photos aren't interesting enough. I love photography, though, so I may take the plunge into the Wordless Wednesday meme.

      Thanks for commenting! =)

  3. I think taking a break is often the best solution - sometimes you just need time away! I often end up taking a day or two and instead of reading I have a marathon of a tv show - I also take a day just completely away from the blog and that allows me to miss it a little.

  4. I took a two month break. I just needed to be away from books - the computer - the blog -everything! I've come back really refreshed.
    I used to do all the memes too and when I started wracking my brain and stressing that I didn't have a WoW pick to post I realized it was time to stop. Now if I got books that week I do an IMM, if there's a book I'm looking forward to then I'll do a WoW if not that's fine.

    1. I've been interested in the WoW meme, but I haven't had the time to actually browse the Web to find books that will be released and post about them. I do like to see what others say, though. =)

  5. Breaks are good and I think its great that you have others helping blogging. I don't like Meme's but to each their own. Good idea to take one book at a time to get back into it :)

  6. Having multiple reviewers defintiely helps a site stay consistent. :-)

    I like that you actually take a short breather from reading--I never feel like I can, but I think it would probably be the most relaxing thing for any overburdened reader/blogger.

  7. I think that just walking away is a great suggestion! I gave myself a bit of a break late last year, I was still posting just not as regularly as normal. I needed to take that time and now I'm finding blogging much more enjoyable.

    I try not to participate in many memes - I used to do more but it felt like all I was ever doing was commenting on other meme posts instead of reading reviews and books. When I do participate, I usually schedule my post for midnight and then take a minute and link up when I get up in the morning.

  8. I agree with Bonnie. I think you should definitely use the scheduling feature to help with your meme participation!

  9. Hiệu quả tuyệt vời chỉ với cách làm đẹp da mặt từ nha đam tại nhà. Xem ngay! Dễ Áp Dụng. Mẹo làm đẹp Siêu Tiết Kiệm. Từ Thiên Nhiên. Hiệu Quả. Dịch vụ: Lên Men Tự Nhiên, Không Chất Bảo Quản, Công Nghệ Hiện Đại, Chất Lượng ISO, Làm đẹp sau sinh Sản Phẩm Dinh Dưỡng, Nguyên Liệu An Toàn.
