Friday, September 9, 2011

Blog Tour/Review & Giveaway: Peace at the Edge of Uncertainty by Neil Hanson

ISBN #: 978-0982639108
Page Count: 132
Copyright: 2010

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

A story of family and a journey through Faith, though not in a traditional sense.  The author explores the "coming together" of a family around the deathbed of the patriarch.  With a style that is highly personal, the narrator describes the revelations, discoveries, and growth that occurs within these relationships during the several days of "coming together."

Like so many families today in our world of highly effective medicine and life-support, the family in this story faces the difficult and wrenching questions our culture must face: When does life begin and end? What are the complexions of distinction between bare and primitive "life" on the one hand, and "human-ness" on the other hand?  Where and when and how do we "play G-d" with our decisions to withhold feeding tubes and respirators?  How do we face these questions, and work our way to effective answers?

Woven through the story are descriptions of magical and mystical encounters that inform and guide the life of the narrator, helping to open honest questions about how "religion" aids or obstructs the journey through Faith that most people are called to explore.

Charlene's Review:

Mr. Hanson writes a lyrically haunting book on finding peace amidst end-of-life matters through spiritual surrender.  Written in the form of a letter to his father who has passed, Peace at the Edge of Uncertainty reflects back on the authors own divine encounters, or out-of-body experiences.  It also touches on human relations, and the inability to just be still and connect with the presence of "G-d," Mr. Hanson's choice for the title of a "spiritual mystery beyond understanding."  Faith, and its role in how we live and make decisions is the major focus, however, the humanness of grief and loving relational roles, keep it from becoming a lesson in apologetics.

Forced to make life or death decisions while sitting by his father's bedside, Mr. Hanson reflects on his weaknesses and vulnerabilities in an achingly beautiful way, as he lays his grief wide open and comes upon the "most right decision" he could make for the final transition of his father.  I was able to appreciate his thoughts in a personal way, as I watch my father in his final season of life, and gained a new perspective from his calming words.  Mr. Hanson gives us the keys to living in peace among the uncertainty of life and death.  Love, forgiveness, and the ability to block the busyness and noise of life that inhibits a connection with the presence of G-d.  Peace at the Edge of Uncertainty teaches us how wisdom and truth can enter our lives when uncertainty threatens to hold us back.  Contemplative, poetic, heartrending, unforgettable.

Giveaway Info:

Like what you've read so far?  Great!  You now have two chances to win a copy of this book.  How?  Glad you asked!

Paperback Copy

One paperback copy of this book is available for U.S. residents only.  In order to win this copy, you must be the first person to leave a comment below with your email address.  You will then be contacted by Tribute Books, the promoters of this book blog tour, for your physical mailing address.  If you are not a U.S. resident you will be disqualified from the paperback giveaway and the 2nd person to leave a comment will be contacted.


An e-copy will be given to EVERY person who leaves a comment (with email address) on this post during the rest of the month of September!!!!

Giveaway Requirement

All entrants will automatically be subscribed to Neil Hanson's email newsletter.  Contact information is NEVER shared, and subscribers can unsubscribe at any time.

Thanks for stopping by! =)


  1. Mandy, thanks for hosting a stop on Neil's blog tour. We appreciate your support of his book.

    Charlene, thanks for a beautifully written review. I'm glad Neil's reflections were a source of comfort for you in terms of your relationship with your own father. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the book as well as your personal story.

  2. Charlene - Thanks so much for the very kind words about the book. I really appreciate it. Your words describe the story and the book better than I've been able to describe it. I'm so glad the story was meaningful for you!

    And thanks Mandy for hosting the review.

    Neil Hanson

  3. Sounds like a good book

  4. Sounds like a fantastic book! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    mary_reiss @

  5. Thanks for the giveaway!

