Friday, July 22, 2011

Follow Friday (1)

Well, this post presents two firsts for me: My first Follow Friday participation (yay me!!!!) and my first Blogger post on my new phone. :-) If, for some reason, this doesn't post correctly I will fix it as soon as I get near a computer.

So, I believe the question was which 3 authors I'd like to have an hour or dinner with to discuss their books or writing in general. This caused me to really think since I value how my time is spent. Here's what I decided:

#1 - Stephen King

This man's mind is an enigma and fascinating to me. I would LOVE to figure out how his mind works. Of course, that may take more than one sit-down session. :-)

#2 - Dean Koontz

Any follower of Dean Koontz knows this author started off pretty dark. I've noticed, though, that he's sort of mellowed out over the years. I would be interested to discuss with him the reason(s) behind that. Was it a conscious or subconscious change?

#3 - Edgar Allen Poe

Yes, I am aware he's dead, but nobody said I couldn't pick a dead author. :-) I also just noticed I have an affinity for dark writers. Hhmmm.

This man was a literary genius. I would find it AMAZING to be able to pick his brain for an hour. Yes, he had some emotional issues, but he was still an awesome writer.

What are your choices? Leave me your answer as a comment below. :-)

Thanks for being my guinea pigs and happy Friday! :-)


  1. Love your idea of Poe! New follower.

  2. Hi, New Follow:) Great picks. I am soon to read King for the first time and I'm I had a hard time thinking of what author's with the question this week. Happy Friday.

  3. Great choices!!!

    I'd love to meet Dean Koontz and especially Stephen King.

    I'm a new follower! :D

    Welcome to FF - it's one of my favourite memes :)

  4. Great choices! I love all three, although I've only read a few by Poe. But the other two are guilty pleasures! I'm a new follower. My answers are up at Coffee Table Reviews.

  5. Hopping through. I'd like to meet Stephen King. I'm not into horror but I'd love some writing tips. I'd battle with him about Twilight though. :-)
    My Hop

  6. New follower hopping through. Love Stephen King! Great choices. :) Have a good weekend!

    Reader's Refuge
