Thursday, June 2, 2011

Third Sentence Thursday (6)

Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books for beating back the forces of OTHER sentences!

1) Take the book you are reading now and post the third sentence
2) Review this sentence anyway you want (funny and silly reviews encouraged)
3) Post a link to your sentence in the comments

This week, my third sentence comes from Mieradome by Kate O'Hegarty:

Thousands of goose bumps burst from her skin, her muscles tensed; her life hung in the balance.

Whose life?  Why is it in the balance?  What is she seeing or experiencing that is causing her goose bumps and letting her know she's in danger?  All I have are questions and would like some answers, please ... someone ... anyone ... ???

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Too bad I left the book I'm reading now in my car. I'll check it later and post the third sentence review later (if I'll remember that is). Thanks for the share.

    back pain langhorne pa
