Saturday, June 4, 2011

Review: Two-Fisted Tweets by James Hutchings

Copyright: 2011 on Smashwords

(Taken from Smashwords)

Thirty mostly humorous stories, including science fiction, fantasy, horror and romance. Each story is less than 140 characters long (the length of a Twitter tweet).

Mandy's Review:


I enjoy the comic book look of the cover.


Is there really a plot?  Of course, you could say there are 30 plots ... each one the length of a tweet (Twitter update  ... for those not familiar with Twitter-speak).  They're really there to spark your imagination.  You can come up with your own back story and future ending for each of these tweets.


A unique 'book' that can ignite a reader's imagination, if they are so inclined to use it.  Some were humorous and some .... not so much.

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