Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog Tour/Review: Happiness Quotations by Erica M. Nelson

ISBN #: 978-1-936214-39-6
Page Count: 137
Copyright: 2011

Welcome to Erica M. Nelson's Happiness Quotations Blog Tour

Below you will find book/author info and my book review ... enjoy!

Book Summary:
(Taken from back cover)

Happiness is your birthright.  Step into a world where you are gently reminded of your own capacity for happiness, joy, inspiration, delight, and a new awakening.

Happiness is recession proof.  You can feel good about your life again.

Happiness Quotations: Gentle Reminders of Your Preciousness is a gift you give yourself, and then you may choose to give this gift to others.

Book/Author Info:
(Click any of the links below to go to that page)

Got a question for the author?  Click here to send her an email!

Nelson wrote for California newspapers as a news reporter when she was young, and still writes a weekly newspaper column "Working Knowledge," for seven San Francisco Bay Area newspapers including the San Jose Mercury News and the Contra Costa Times.

Her first book, Prospect When You Are Happy (2007, Happy Publishing, an imprint of Wyatt-MacKenzie), was designed to help people master the practical applications of the Law of Attraction by getting happy first so that results skyrocket.

In Happiness Quotations, her intention is to give you daily pearls of wisdom, gentle reminders to become all that you are capable of becoming.  Step into your happiness, one breakthrough at a time.

She lives with her children, husband and her Tennessee Walking Horse in Silicon Valley, California.

Mandy's Review:


The cover is made to look like the wrappings of a gift, which is the happiness you will find in between the covers of the book.


The book is set up so you can read one daily affirmation a day or several a day ... the choice is yours.  Each affirmation is only a page long and reminded me of a devotional format.


I understand the concept behind the book.  I agree that people need more happiness in their lives.  There were even quite a few phrases/sentences that I could agree with and made me say "Aha!"  However, I must be honest and say that a lot of the daily readings seemed repetitive.  It just seemed like the same thing was being said, but in different ways ... and it wasn't all just about happiness.

The themes that kept being repeated were: Be happy, Strive for your goals and Let go of all the negative things in your life.  Now, like I said, I agree people need to be more happy and I understand the concept of this book, but I feel that over half of these daily readings could've been removed and the book would've been just as effective.

If you're into spiritualism (not religion ... totally different) and a zen-like feeling, then this book would be perfect for you.

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