Thursday, April 14, 2011

Guest Post: God Is Bigger Than Dr. Phil

To Be Released July 16, 2011

Today, author Becky Bailey has written a guest post about her latest book, God Is Bigger Than Dr. Phil.

Please welcome Ms. Becky Bailey!!!


"I'm so excited about my book that is coming out in July titled, God Is Bigger Than Dr. Phil.  I was inspired to write this book because of events that caused a huge devastation in my life last summer.  I was in a cloud of darkness and was unable to find any answers or direction to get myself and my kids out of the mess that was created.  Through the power of prayer, God came to my rescue and guided me out of the darkness!  This book has many different aspects to it, because I have a lot of different quirks to me.  I wanted to tell my story, the good, the bad and the ugly; with that you get my sense of humor, my anger and my happiness."

"My hope is that someone will read this book and find the courage and strength to become a better them, whatever that means for that person.  Each one of us has amazing attributes and qualities to share.  I keep working on bringing out the best in me and through my trials and tribulations; I want others to see there is a way to bring about better!"

"Writing this book was therapeutic, I laughed and I cried.  For me laughing and crying is the best medicine for the soul.  As I came out on the other side, I looked at things with a clear vision.  I don't ask "Why me?" anymore, I know it's because all of those things I have been through has built me into the woman I am today.  I don't ask God why anymore, I thank God.  I thank him for everything he has given me, everything he hasn't given and everything he has in store for me.  I'm blessed and I hope that each person who reads this book will come away with a new perspective."

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