Saturday, February 26, 2011

Review: Serenity and Inner Peace (Revised) by Dale R. Floody, Ph.D.

Serenity and Inner Peace: Simplicity One Day at a Time

ISBN #: 9781450512787
Page Count: 215
Copyright: 2011

(Taken from back cover)

The author's search for serenity and inner peace began as a very personal search.  After reviewing and thinking about a variety of literature, and listening to a lot of people, he developed a list of 130 statements that reflected serenity and inner peace.  Following several studies with those statements and more than 200 subjects, the 24-item "Viterbo Serenity Inventory" emerged (a copy of which is included in the book with normative data).

My Review:

Cover:  The picture of the mountains and sky are calming and promote a sense of serenity.  The color green represents hope and is the reason why the title and author's name are printed in that color.  It is also the reason the cover is a lighter shade of green.  Does this mean that, in essence, looking at the cover makes one hope the pages inside will guide them into a permanent state of serenity and inner peace?

Plot: This book identifies and explains the factors and components of serenity.  It also gives you basic guidelines on how to acquire inner peace in conjunction with serenity.

Characters: There are not any characters in this book.

Overall: This book is very informative and is a wonderful reference for those looking for some serenity and inner peace in their lives.