Friday, January 21, 2011

Review: 1/1: Jihad-Britain by Jack Everett & David Coles

1/1: Jihad - Britain
ISBN #: 978-1453799389
Page Count: 320
Copyright: 2010

About the Authors:
(Taken from first few pages of ebook)

David Coles first began writing fantasy and science fiction - encouraged by his parents condemning it as utter rubbish.  He is proud to have attended workshops run by both of the UK writers, Terry Pratchett and the late David Gemmel – a process requiring late nights and copious alcohol.

Jack Everett is author and co-author of a number of fantasy & science fiction, crime and thriller novels. Some are published, some are in progress and others remain between
the ears as it were.

Jack and David are the same age, though neither really wants to remember how long ago they started writing together. Together they have explored the local stars, killed off Romans by the legion and discovered Merlin's last resting place - and invented enough plots to bring happiness to an army of conspiracy theorists.

Visit their web sites:
David Coles –
Jack Everett -

(Taken from

New Years' Eve: the world parties on unaware as a toll of death far beyond 9/11 and 7/7 spreads across Britain. The UK makes its own rules as 1/1 dawns and they don't include fair play. A global-warming fuelled disaster engulfs the country. Can its citizens pull together despite differing skin colour and culture? Years later and still at large, the New Year bomber has a private agenda and a nuclear bomb.

My Review:

Even though I'm not a huge fan of terrorist plots, I decided to give this book a go to expand my literary library.  While I'm not going to gush over this novel, there were a few things I did like and enjoy:

The first being that this novel was set in Britain and not America.  Being an American all I ever hear about is terrorism and conspiracy theories.  It was refreshing to read a terrorist plot that had absolutely nothing to do with America (except for a small portion, but I'm not going to spoil that for you).

Although, even while it was based in Britain, the terrorist were, expectedly, Muslims.  I understand that everyone is focused on Muslims due to 9/11 and so forth, but are Muslims the only ones who terrorize and detonate bombs?  That was a rhetorical question, by the way ... something to ponder ...

Another thing I enjoyed was the depiction of the Prime Minister.  He was a take charge, brutally honest, make-no-apologies type of leader.  I loved that.  I believe that many citizens wish their leaders were like that.  There's bound to be some decisions a leader like that will make in which the citizens do not agree, but at least that type of leader will stick to his guns and follow through with what he intends.  There was no guile, no deceit, no hidden agenda to this novel's Prime Minister.  Oh, that leaders would arise with these types of characteristics!

While upsetting at first, I came to enjoy how this novel ended.  It didn't answer all of the reader's questions in black-and-white.  Rather, it gave you just enough information and then ended.  Instead of being told how the story ends, you get to decide the fate of those involved at the end.  Normally, I like my endings to be clear and concise with all questions answered and all situations tied up in a neat package with a pretty bow ... so to speak.  I don't usually like it to be left open like this, but the more I think about it ... I'm glad this novel did end the way it did.  I'm warming to the idea of drawing my own conclusions to the lives of those involved.

This would be an ideal novel for those that enjoy government plots with a dash of terrorism and a strong leader who knows how to take the bull by the horns.  =)

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