Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh My! My Very First Award!!!


I have been graciously awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by Mandy at Mandy's Escape.  Thanks Mandy for honoring me with my very first award!!!! =)

Now that I've received said award, rules must be followed.  Here they are:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know they have won!

Since #1 was taken care of up above, let's move on to #2 ... I get to tell you 7 things about myself:

1.)  It's been mentioned a couple times, in emails to me, that upon search of my real name on my blog it cannot be found.  I did that for a reason.  I like my anonymity.  However, since I am in such high spirits from receiving my award, I shall tell you my real name.  It is ........ Mandy.  =)  Strange that it should be the same name as the giver of my award, but it is my real name.

2.)  Lately I have been getting a strong affinity for the English/British language.  So much so that I desire to reside in England until I have conformed ... accent, verbiage, everything!

3.)  Strange as this may seem, I love regular plain ole potato chips with a side of cottage cheese.  There's just something about that combination that I absolutely adore.  It is so yummy!

4.)  I play the piano.  Granted, I'm no Mozart, but I do like to tickle the ivories every so often.  It brings me peace.

5.)  I didn't get married until I was 30 years old ... by then, I just gave up and succumbed to the man.  That's right ... he got me by wearing me down.  LOL =)

6.)  P.S. - I'm only 33 so I've only been married for 3 years.  We got married on Halloween, so this year will be our 4th year together.

7.)  I currently reside in Georgia, but I was born and raised in northeast Ohio, right on the edge of Lake Erie.

Now that my soul-bearing session is at an end, it is time for me to pass the award, and fun, along to 15 others.  You can click on their blog names below to view their blog.  If you've got the time, why not check them out? =):


  1. Thank you for the generous award! I've already reposted it at The Wolf's Den. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thank you and congratulations for receiving your very first award!!

  3. Congrats on your first award!! I would have never thought to try cottage cheese on my chips, I'll have to.

    Thanks for spreading the love!

  4. Thanks so much! I've received the award before. Here's my post. Definitely appreciate it though! :)

  5. congrats on getting the award yourself, and thank you SO much for considering me as a worthy blog receiver :) you have a new follower in me!!

