Thursday, January 27, 2011

BintoM Monthly Giveaway Debut!!!

I am beginning a new monthly giveaway and am calling it BintoM (pronounced Bin-Tom).  Weird-sounding, I know, but memorable.  =)

I have found that the majority of readers are movie lovers as well.  So, on my way home this past Wednesday, I thought, 'Why not create a giveaway that involved both the book AND the movie made from it?!'

Now that the idea was born, I went home and found a list of books-turned-movies.  What I found was an extensive list of over 300 titles ... WOW!

Eventually, I would like to turn this giveaway into a weekly event, but for now once a month will have to suffice.  So .... away we go!  =)

Here's how it's going to work:

  • Towards the end of the month, I will post the next month's giveaway. 
  • I will leave it open for two weeks.  At the end of the two weeks, a winner (or winners, if I'm feeling generous) will be chosen and notified. 
  • I will expect the winner to acknowledge the winning email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen in their place. 
  • This is open to U. S./Canadian residents only.  Apologies to my international followers.  One day I promise I will make this international, but for now, U.S./Canadian it is.

Now, that we've gotten that out of the way, let's get to the prize for February.  I know many of you are participating in the Jane Austen reading challenge.  So, the first prize for this debut giveaway iiisssss ... (drum roll please) ....

The Jane Austen Book Club written by Karen Joy Fowler and The Jane Austen Book Club movie. - This giveaway will end on February 7, 2011.

Giveaway has closed - Come back February 27th when the March #BintoM Monthly Giveaway will be posted. Thanks! =)


  1. What an awesome idea!!! I had a class in high school that was the same thing. We would read the book and then watch the movie and then have discussions/projects about the differences. Will definitely be keeping an eye out each month to see what you pick.

  2. Thanks! I'm willing to take suggestions on what everyone would like to see as a prize each month =)
