Friday, November 5, 2010

Book Blog Hop Friday #6

Book Blogger Hop

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books.  This is a chance for people to visit other book-related blogs that they normally wouldn't find and/or visit on their own.  To participate, a question must be answered. 

Before we get to the question, I would like to welcome any new viewers/followers to my blog.  If you're an 'oldie but goodie' ... welcome back! =)

Now, this week's question is:

"What are your feelings on losing followers?  Have you ever stopped following a blog?"

I don't like to lose followers, because I'm trying very hard to be one of those blogs everybody loves, comments on and follows.  However, I know there's going to be people who have stopped blogging, lose interest in blogging, etc and they stop following.  Then, there's going to be those people who just don't like what you have to offer any more.

I will say, here and now, that if there's ever a time any of you thinks or sees a way for me to improve my site, all you have to do is email me.  I am fairly new to blogging on a regular basis and appreciate any and all suggestions for improvements.  So, please, if you are in the group of people who don't really care for what I have to offer, give me a chance to improve before you stop following.  =)

Yes, I have stopped following a blog.  When I'm sent an email and I'm told that I've won something, please follow through with actually sending me what I've won.  When it's been three weeks and I still haven't seen my prize and I email you to ask you if, maybe, I misunderstood the rules or the concept of the contest, please don't ignore me.  I like to give people chances to explain themselves.  I tend to be very understanding, but when you ignore me, how else am I to interpret that but that you don't care about one of your followers?  So, for that reason, I've stopped following a blog.

I'm curious to see what you all have to say about this.  Hope to hear from you! =)


  1. Just popping in via the hop to say hi! That's really frustrating to hear a blogger didn't follow through with their contest prize. I'm sure there are some that hold contests to get new followers and then decide not to award the prize because, hey, who will know other than the contest winner? That's a real shame though and makes me sad. I'm glad to be a new follower here and I look forward to reading more of your reviews. Have a great weekend!

    Jenny of Supernatural Snark

  2. I'm always a little bummed when I lose followers but make every effort to
    turn every lost follower into a learning experience so I can improve my

    On the flip side, I only stop following people when they give me a reason to
    such as being totally off message or being too controversial in an negative,
    over-the-top way.

    Happy Book Blogger Hop Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  3. @Jenny ~ It is a shame, but sometimes things like that happen. I don't like it, but I can't stop it. Thanks for following! =) I'll be over to visit soon.

    @Howard ~ Good point! People tend to start following others for a specific reason. So, when they start to get off topic I can see how that would make one want to stop following. Thanks for stopping by! =)

  4. I don't have my own blog but I enter a lot of giveaways and thus end up following a lot of people in order to enter. I have so many google friends, I don't even use the site. However, I do read emails and tweets, and I bookmark blogs to read that I like.

    After a giveaway is over, I do unsubscribe or unfollow on twitter, only if the blogger a) is totally fanatically Christian, as I am an atheist/agnostic, and don't want to hear the preaching, or b) if they're one of those that tweets thirty times a day just to advertise their latest giveaways.

    P.S. I am your Expiation winner, am glad to be a new follower!

  5. @jhitomi - Well, I do consider myself a Christian, but I try not to shove it down anybody's throats. I figure if somebody wants to know about it, they'll ask me.

    As for Twitter, I do tweet about my giveaways, but I try not to tweet 30 times a day! I get annoyed when I have someone's tweets coming to my phone and every five minutes they've tweeted about something/someone. I won't stop following them on Twitter, but I do remove the option of having their tweets coming to my phone.

    Thanks for following and congrats on the win! =)
