Saturday, October 2, 2010

Book Hop Friday #1

This is my first ever book hop and I am excited to participate.  I've already had more followers added to my first blog and I am so excited!!! =)

I must answer a question for each hop I participate in, so here goes .... "How do you spread the word about your blog?"

I spread the word in a few areas online: Facebook via the Networked Blogs application, Goodreads, Shelfari and Book Blogs Ning.  Not only do I promote my blog online, but I discuss my blogs at work with co-workers.  Anywhere and everywhere I hear someone discussing books, I'm letting them know what I've got going on! =)

I'm excited to check out other bloggers during this hop and to grow my "following" list.

Happy Reading Everyone!!! =)


  1. I just stopped in via the Hop to follow you back! Welcome to this world!

  2. Hi! I'm new to blogging too (I started on Sept 1), and I'm your newest follower!
    Hope you stop by mine!
    Hafsah @ IceyBooks
