Saturday, August 29, 2020

{TV Series Review} Parks and Recreation


So, like many of you, I was looking for a show to binge-watch on Netflix. I decided to give Parks and Recreation (aka Parks and Rec) a chance. Before I get into my thoughts, let me give you some deets about the show ... just in case you're interested.

According to Wikipedia

Genre: Sitcom, Mockumentary, and Political Satire

Created by: Greg Daniels and Michael Schur

Run Time: April 2009 until February 2015

Starred: Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Chris Pratt, Nick Offerman, Rob Lowe, Aubrey Plaza, and more

Okay, let's talk. 

The show centered around the Parks and Recreation department of fictional town Pawnee, Indiana. The vibe of the show reminded me of The Office with the characters talking to someone off camera during the course of the day. I half expected the series finale to reveal that a documentary was being recorded to preserve some history of Pawnee ... sounds like something Leslie Knope (played by Amy Poehler) would've been excited to make happen. Speaking of Leslie, I sometimes found her to be a little too much. She couldn't accept when people didn't see things her way and practically bullied them until they conceded. I wanted to slap her. On the other hand, she remembered everyone's birthdays, cheered their accomplishments, and celebrated with everyone's successes. THAT Leslie Knope I could've been friends with.

My two favorite characters on the show, hands down, were April Ludgate (played by Aubrey Plaza) and Ron Swanson (played by Nick Offerman). April had RBF to the max, she didn't like showing or receiving affection, and she leaned towards the dark side. I related to her in so many ways. Ron Swanson was SERIOUS about maintaining his privacy. He was a meat-eater and loved breakfast food. I related to him, too. I love, and am drawn to, people with a dry sense of humor. April and Ron had that. It was amazing and I loved it.

It was weird to see Chris Pratt in Parks and Rec and try to reconcile that with his role as Peter Quill, the Star-Lord and a Guardian of the Galaxy. It's like I was watching a totally different person ... and I was there for it. The differences in Chris for each of those roles just goes to show how great of an actor he is and how committed he is in portraying whatever character he's currently acting.

There's a lot that can be said about Parks and Rec. I don't want to make this post too long so I'll just say this ... Despite a few annoyances, I enjoyed the show. The short episodes made it easily binge-worthy. Parks and Rec was funny, smart, sweet, corny, weird, quirky, annoying, loud, quiet, smooth ... everything you'd ever want in a show. I now understand the hype. Great job, Greg and Michael.

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