Friday, February 20, 2015

{Review} ADMIT TO MAYHEM by D.J. Adamson

ISBN #: 978-0990307808
Page Count: 294
Copyright: March 10, 2014
Publisher: Horatio Press; First Printing Edition

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Lillian Dove isn't just caught having spent the night with her boss, Police Chief Charles Kaefring, when she calls a house fire into dispatch, but she is compelled to rescue someone inside; only to find the person vanished and herself trapped. Then her condo is burglarized, a green car nearly misses her and she loses her job. Edgar Pike comes under her radar as a suspect. Is he stalking her? Why is he threatening her convalescent mother?

Death threats, stalked and unemployment are not what Lillian Dove expected out of her new, sober life in Frytown. The real challenges, however, are not her sobriety and exposing an arsonist, but learning how to manage  events life hands out while caring for her contrary mother, Dahlia Dove, who isn't at all happy Lillian is in control.

Shelley's Review:

D. J. Adamson gives an extremely realistic picture of small town life. Although Lillian Dove admits to being far from perfect, you see glimpses of a caring individual with a good heart.  Her relationship with Dahlia is complicated at best, and you sometimes forget she is talking about her mother. Her quest to find the truth is both admirable and frightening at times.  The twists and turns keep the reader on edge as the story comes to fruition, with Lillian being one of the most unlikely heroines.

*A physical copy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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