Sunday, December 28, 2014

{The Bookish Inquisition} Author Chat Invite: Jackie Parry

Our next author chat will take place next Sunday, January 4th, at 2 p.m. Eastern time. We will be chatting with Jackie Parry, Of Foreign Build author.

After suffering an emotionally-brutal bereavement and against her counsellor’s advice, Jackie ran away. Suddenly within a new culture, with a new husband, and no friends, she was living in the obscure world of cruising with zero knowledge of boats.

Crashing within the first twenty-four hours, Jackie realised life would never be the same again; a floating home with no fridge or hot water, and with a dinghy instead of a car. Suffering self doubts, she became fearful of her new world.

The first off-shore voyage took Jackie into a ferocious storm, which battered her physically and mentally. Amid the raging seas, Jackie shed the fear she’d been harbouring.

Soon she was blissfully voyaging around the world, but she still carried the mixed emotions of losing one man, while falling head over heels in love with another.

Not only did Jackie deal successfully with the challenges of her new existence, she also battled with the testosterone fuelled nautical world to become both a professional captain and a qualified maritime teacher.

Most importantly, Jackie found herself.

To Join the Chat:

1.) Go to
2.) Type in the room name (LRRTBI)
3.) Choose and type in your own nickname
4.) Type in the password (TBI0104)
5.) Click the "Join" button

*Reminder: The room will not be open until 30 minutes before the chat is to begin.

1 comment:

  1. I had the best time doing this Inquisition - thanks so much!
