Thursday, July 24, 2014

{Review} Racist Man by Archer Cloud

File Size: 903 KB
Page Count: 16
Copyright: March 27, 2014

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Warning: This story’s theme revolves heavily around racism, including the beliefs and actions of the protagonist. The author does not condone racism in any way, and believes that such actions would be unacceptable in society. However, some may still find the contents of this book offensive. Please read with discretion.

Angry and bitter restaurant worker John Hu is an American minority who grew up on the dark rims of western society, and now, finally, God has coated his veins with strong bolts of superpowers. Stronger than a mammoth and faster than any car, he will turn his abilities into a funnel to distil the good from the evil…But he has a certain criteria – they must be of his kind.

John sees impurities based on the color of people’s skin, and anyone who dares to be otherwise will find themselves a corner that they cannot so easily crawl out of. He delivers a justice that no police can hand down, and he is almost free to do so.

However, there is another person more akin to John than he would like to think, someone who also shares his powers. And only she has the physical security to get close enough to John and alter his perception, not with her abilities, but with her heart (and hair) of gold.

Kathy's Review:

It’s hard to write a review for something so short, but I’ll give it a try. Racist Man would do nicely as a graphic novel rather than a written one. You can even see on the cover that it is done in an Anime style. And it could do with a title change. This is a superhero who has a slight bias toward Asians. He prefers to help only those of his same racial makeup. But this a racist does not make. Never in this book’s short grasp do we hear John utter any racial slurs, spew any hatred toward those with different colored skin … nothing.

After the buildup the author gave I was ready for something ultra offensive, but this short story danced around anything that could even remotely be construed as hurtful. And the above description doesn’t exactly match what I read. There is a female protagonist but her character is extremely underdeveloped.

If this were my story, I’d expand it, and play into the visual aspect of it. There’s tons of potential here. Make us see the villain who has consumed the pharmaceuticals. Make us understand what has brought John to this point.

*An ecopy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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