Sunday, December 8, 2013

{Review} MESSAGES FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK by Dr. Jerry L. Jones, Sr.

ISBN #: 978-1478706311
Page Count: 44
Copyright: July 15, 2013
Publisher: Outskirts Press

(Taken from back cover)

Everyone needs inspiration motivation encouragement and uplifting through life adventures This book gives the reader opportunities to reflect on their relationship, stewardship love and commitments towards God and each other. It allows them to remember the qualities and attributes of our God.

While it is a great resource for optimistic insight and a builder of faith that soars. The reader will learn God's love for them in an astounding way. Perhaps you need a little push in the direction of surrendering to his will, in this literature you will learn to appreciate submit and operate in the graces of consistency. If there ever been a time when we need to know and to recognize our identity, these writings makes no mistake in who and who's we are.

Life can seem to be so complexing, lonely, and a bit of a challenge, but the author assures that there is a available strength for all of life's chaotic moments. There is a great sense of reverence, honor and appreciation to be captured in how we express praise and worship to God our creator, for all he is, and has done. This book presents honest and everyday life experiences that one can learn to recognize and gain power, presence and assurance to become a victorious heir.

Charlene's Review:

Messages From The Pastor’s Desk is full of short, insightful vignettes of wisdom learned over 28 years of Dr. Jones’ life as a pastor. As simple as the gift of God’s love, for those that believe and receive, the quotes and thoughts within this book lead the reader into a deeper meditation on what God is, and has done, for us.

If I could offer one bit of constructive criticism, I would have liked to have seen Messages From The Pastor’s Desk as a devotional, with each thought featured with a story, or biblical basis, if only to have given it more "meat." Whether you read straight through, or ponder them one at a time, there is profound truth, and knowledge, contained in this very small package.

*A physical copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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