Tuesday, September 17, 2013

{Review} Martyr's Moon by J.E. Lowder

File Size: 705 KB
Page Count: 463
Copyright: February 19, 2013
Publisher: WordCrafts Press

Book Summary:
(Taken from Goodreads)

The Council of Ebon encircle the Cauldron, their grotesque features shrouded in shadows. With voices like ice shards scraping against stone, they disclosed their dark prophesy ...

Mothers, guard babes: Fathers, draw steel,
Thunder approaches, soon blood on the fields.
Tempest of war, so black and so vile,
Spreads o'er Allsbruth; lament suckling child.

War between the dark nation of Ebon and rebel forces is imminent.
The Martyr's Moon rises. The blood of a storyteller is spilled.
Hope vanishes.
Yet in night, the King of Claire whispers.

Kathy's Review:

I really enjoyed Book One of this series, Tears of Min Brock, and was looking forward to reading this installment. I didn't enjoy this one as much, mostly because it was so long, and because there were more characters to focus on this time around. However, as the book got going, the action propelled me forward and I found pages of this book melting away as I read on.

The Martyr's Moon does make an appearance in this book, which means that a storyteller is killed. Without spoiling the story I will say that it is a major character. And they aren't the only casualty in this book. (Although I have hope we'll see one of the fallen again ...)

At the end of the book, nothing has quite been resolved. Elabea, aka Ela Claire, who is still at the heart of this book, is losing hope, but others are gathering momentum around her for Claire. It will be interesting to see where this story goes in book three. Hopefully it won't be as lengthy (I have so many books to review and so little time), but will be just as engaging.

*An ecopy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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