Monday, June 3, 2013

{Review} The Bluffer's Guide to Skiing by David Allsop

ISBN #: 978-1909365001
Page Count: 128
Copyright: January 31, 2013
Publisher: Bluffer's; 5th Revised Edition


One of's best-selling series. They're non-fiction guides written by experts sourced over the years but are no means dull or jargon-laden - rather they are irreverent, full of wit and expertise. Bluffer's Guides boats that they are providing the ammunition people need to get by on dazzling bluff and sheer wit alone.

Charlene's Review:

This occasional tongue-in-cheek look at skiing was informational as well as entertaining. Describing the art of skiing as "binding wooden planks to their feet as a means of transportation" Mr. Allsop shows he knows his stuff, and how to make light of it.

Insider information on THE skiing clubs to be a part of, the history of skiing, and numerous techniques, variations and ski personality types abound. Terminology to make you look impressive, and the paragraph on "what injuries not to have" poke a bit of innocent fun while still imparting vast knowledge in a condensed guide.

*A physical copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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