Friday, June 7, 2013

{Meme} Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop is now being hosted by Billy from Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each Friday, a question is posed to those willing to answer it. You can visit Billy's blog (link above) to see the list of bloggers who are participating this week.


What is your favorite trilogy?

Kathy's Answer:

The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins is my favorite. Actually, it was the only trilogy that I could think of that I've read, but I love those books nonetheless!

Mandy's Answer:

I'm torn between two trilogies, which is especially surprising knowing that they're sci-fi/fantasy trilogies. The first one being The A-Men Trilogy by John Trevillian. The second is Mark Whiteway's The Lodestone Series ... only three books are available in this series at this time, which allows me to consider it a trilogy even though I strongly believe there will be a fourth book. Both trilogies are extremely well-written, engaging, and exciting to read. I adore them.


  1. LOVED the Hunger Games!!!

    New GFC Follower

  2. I haven't read The Hunger Games. :)

    Happy Hopping!!

    Check out the giveaway for THE LAST CAMELLIA by Sarah Jio when you visit.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. Hunger Games is getting a lot of mentions. It was an exciting read. I haven't heard of Mandy's answers, but I don't know much scifi fantasy.

  4. Hunger Games is a popular answer and rightly so. Hope you have a great weekend!
    Tasha @ A Trillian Books xoxo

  5. Yes I bet Hunger Games is popular answer, it is one of the ones I did enjoy.

  6. Can you believe I haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy yet? OMG shock horror I know, but I've got the box set, just haven't had the time to actually read it :(

    My Blog hop

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Hey just hopping around and noticed this is my first visit to your awesome blog!

    Glad to read your choices it’ll make me think twice about the series you chose.

    New follower via gfc

    Libertad @
