Thursday, June 13, 2013

{2013 TBR Pile Challenge Review} The Godforsaken by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

ISBN #: 978-0446301022
Page Count: 393
Copyright: May 1983
Publisher: Warner Books Inc (Mm); First Edition

Book Summary:
(Taken from back cover)

As the Inquisition spread its fiery fingers across the land of Spain, holding kingdom and king in its terrible grip, a new horror would rise to challenge even the invincible power of the Grand Inquisitor. A curse on the house of King Alonzo that came from the very Devil.

A curse that would leave his daughter unfit to marry or rule. A curse that would transform his only legitimate son, Rolon, into the very Hound of Hell, whose unspeakable secret bloomed under the full moon of a country where terror came in mother's milk and vengeance roamed abroad. Rolon, the chosen, the damned. Rolon, the kind, blessed with a compassionate soul and a great and tragic love; cursed by a secret plague sent by Lucifer Himself. Rolon, Heir to the Throne of Spain, who dared to defy the Inquisition in the ungodly raiment of The Godforsaken.

Mandy's Review:

I chose this book because I like reading about werewolves and curses (especially where families are concerned). I was also intrigued about the time period because I like period-based books and had not read one based during the Spanish Inquisition before ... that I can recall anyway. But, just like my other TBR Pile Challenge selections that I've read so far, I didn't like this book.

There was almost 400 pages of reading that could have really been condensed in half. I found it a very tedious and boring read. I had to stop multiple times and read something else. Then I would have to force myself to begin reading this book again. I think the premise is a great one. I think the characters are well-thought out and believable. I just didn't like this author's writing style. I know that statement may garner a lot of criticisms from you all because I've seen where Chelsea Quinn Yarbro is well-liked ... she's just not for me.

Alas, another TBR book bites the dust and dies a painful death. I hope and pray my fourth selection (Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick) is much better.

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