Wednesday, March 13, 2013

{Review} Four Days by JP Murphy

File Size: 262 KB
Page Count: 69

Book Summary:
(Taken from Amazon)

Sydney, a single forty-ish career woman, who is also straight, decides on a spur-of-the-moment weekend on an island in the Caribbean - why ever shouldn't she? Her relaxing "do nothing" weekend turns into four days of incredible sex with a local woman, Carla, who lives overseas and is also on the island for a few days of R and R. Sydney must return to work with an outwardly calm manner whilst her insides are churning with excitement and the inevitable question - is she straight or gay or bi, and does it even matter?

Mandy's Review:

I'm going to try and keep this review PG because I know there are followers who aren't "of age."

This is going to sound mean, but I don't know any other way to put it ... Not everyone should be an author. I don't mind reading a bit of erotica now and then, but this was extremely boring and repetitive. A lot of 'ooooohs' and 'aaaaahhhs' and 'mmmmms' filled these pages ... really? If you're going to write erotica people, try to be a little more imaginative.

Sydney traveled to Jamaica for a 4-day vacation from work. Her first night there, she meets Carla and then they begin fingering each other. Now, don't get me wrong, if I were a single woman traveling to Jamaica I'd be tempted to engage in a little sexual exploration. I don't care if he invents a whole fictional background for himself, but I at least want some information and just a little bit of wooing before hitting the sack with him. What I find hard to believe about Sydney and Carla was that they JUST MET and only knew each other's names. It pretty much went like this:

"Hi, I'm Sydney."

"Carla. Nice to meet you."

Finger, finger, kiss, finger, thumb, ooohhh, aaahhh, climax, smile.

And it pretty much went that way for the whole four days. Every time I turned around they had their face and fingers on and in each other. It was like watching two human bunnies on crack with some Ecstasy thrown in. By the way, the above was my paraphrasing on what actually happened, but it's pretty darn close.

And, oh my gosh, the internal non-stop monologue Sydney has in this "book." It was like reading a timeline: I feel wonderfully refreshed after last night's sleep, think I'll have some coffee to help me get going, do I even have coffee, why yes I do, I'll go put it in the coffeepot and take a shower while it's brewing. Mmmm, the coffee smells heavenly, now what do I want for breakfast to go with my delicious coffee? Granola and cereal? Why, yes, I think that will do nicely ... and on and on and on and on. Thank God this was only 69 pages ... even then, I almost didn't finish reading this story.

Sorry, JP Murphy, but you do not need to put any more "books" like this out on the market.

*An ecopy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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