Monday, March 11, 2013

{Blog Tour - Review} All About Me: A Journey to the Inside by Elvie Dell

ISBN #: 978-1621370789
Page Count: 88
Copyright: January 7, 2013
Publisher: Publishing

(Taken from back cover)

This book is for born-again Christian believers who find themselves frustrated and confused with internal battles and silently ask themselves, "What's wrong with me? Everyone else seems to have it all together." The key word is seems! There is a rest for God's people!

II Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if we are in Christ, we are a new creature, old things have passed away and all things have become new. If you're still struggling with a lot of "old" in you, this may be the insight you long for.

Being saved doesn't mean an instant personality make-over. The new creature this scripture refers to is our spirit man. We are a 3-part being: spirit, soul, and body. Gaining a better understanding of ourselves and learning to differentiate between the three helps bring us peace.

As people begin to recognize where their struggles really lie, and how to hear from their spirits, they find peace in the knowledge of what's normal and common to us all as part of the human experience. Learning to walk out this new found freedom is a fascinating journey. We can rest in the assurance that God has a good plan for our lives.

Charlene's Review:

This incredibly compact "Christian Users Manual" is a jam-packed with down-to-earth, solid Biblical advice. Written with the understanding that being born-again doesn't end our struggles, Ms. Dell walks readers through a step-by-step guide to hearing the Spirit speaking to you, and how our minds and bodies often block out that voice, due to emotion and our sinful nature. No matter where you are in your walk with God, there is something here to help direct you towards the person God calls you to be. I truly admired the simplicity and sincerity of the author, in her writing.

5 out of 5 stars!

*A paperback copy of this book was provided by the publisher for the purposes of this tour in exchange for an honest review.

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