Sunday, September 16, 2012

{Review} Wright for America by Robin Lamont

ISBN #: 978-0985848507
Page Count: 260
Copyright: October 1, 2012
Publisher: Grayling Press

(Taken from back cover)

Prior Wright's ultra-conservative radio show has millions of devout fans who are sure that the slurs and wild accusations fired at the liberal left prove him a true patriot. But when his venomous rants catch Marred Gareth's twin brother in the crossfire, the struggling actress pursues her own style of justice and enlists a troupe of fellow unemployed actors to teach Wright just how powerful words can be.

Charlene's Review:

Marred is an aspiring actress turned private investigator. While trying to bust a counterfeit band, she is also obsessed with taking on Prior Wright, an ultra-conservative talk show host, who she believes instigated an attack on her twin brother by spreading lies and hatred over the air waves.

Soon, she has all her actor friends involved in a scheme to stop Wright from his work, and has also managed to attract the attention of the FBI and a gang of arms dealers.

Ms. Lamont writes in a witty, satirical style that pokes fun and keeps you in suspense all the way through. Wright for America has a lively cast of characters, and sub-plots revolving around sensitive social issues, relevant to our world now. While occasionally acerbic, especially regarding conservative views, it is a fun, intense novel with humor.

From one of my favorite passages, Wright refers to the ACLU:

"My favorite organization. The Always Complaining Lie-through-their-teeth Uberliberals."

This was a very entertaining book that is well worth the time to read.

*A physical copy of this book was provided by the author's publicist, Meryl Zegarek Public Relations, Inc., in exchange for an honest review.

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