Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mandy Reviews: Ten Good Reasons to Lie About Your Age by Stephanie Zia

ISBN #: 978-1447576839
Page Count: 264
Copyright: 2011

(Taken from Amazon)

Rock chick Sally, suddenly widowed at 50, tries to get out there and lose her wididity, her born-again virginity, before it's too late. Will she decide to grow old gracefully or disgracefully?

Mandy's Review:


The cover is okay. If I saw it on the bookstore shelves, it wouldn't really invite me to pick it up.


The book opens on a funeral of a lady's husband. Said husband, Dom, was a producer for rock music. He died while on a skiing trip.

From there, we journey with Sally through all the stages of her grief at her husband's passing. They had been married for so long that finding herself again felt like a betrayal of sorts.

Through self-help books, family, friends and a much-needed holiday, Sally struggles to continue living, despite her overwhelming feeling of loss.

Main Characters

Sally - An older lady struggling to redefine herself as single after the death of her husband. She's a little paranoid and suspicious of others.

Ramona - Sally's long-time friend who kick starts Sally's emotional healing with some tough love. Formerly a back-up singer, she now sings in a local musical.

Val - Sally's next-door neighbor. Dependable and faithful, although not always welcome, after Dom's death. She knows when to push Sally and when to leave her alone.


A wonderful story about a woman learning to find herself again. It did remind me a little of How Stella Got Her Groove Back, but it was different enough to stand on its own merits and be enjoyable.

If you enjoy a book that takes you on an emotional roller coaster while rooting for the main character, Ten Good Reasons to Lie About Your Age is the book for you.


  1. Ooo, this sounds like it will be on my Holiday reading list.

  2. Thanks for the lovely, thoughtful review, Mandy. Much appreciated. I hope you enjoy Natasha!
